What is Organic Millet?
Organic Millet is a type of grain that has been cultivated for over 10,000 years and remains one of the most important crops on the planet. Resilient to harsh weather, Millet feeds millions of people and is also used as animal feed and for producing many alcoholic beverages. The leading producers (and consumers) of Millet are Africa, India, Middle East, and China. This fantastic grain is only gaining popularity in America, but considering how good it is, many people are sure to fall in love with it.
Benefits and Nutrition of Organic Millet
Organic Millet seed benefits are the same as any whole grain, but even better. This type of grain is lower in calories and fats. It’s also easier to cook and doesn’t contain gluten. Nutrition-wise, organic millet grain gives you notable amounts of B vitamins, Manganese, Magnesium, Iron, Zinc. You also get a little bit of calcium and selenium. Add to this the fact that a cup of cooked organic millet seed contains 2.3 grams fiber and 6.1 grams of protein. All that only in 207 calories.
How to Cook Organic Millet Grain
Cooking organic millet grain can be tricky, but it shouldn’t take you more than 30 minutes. You don’t have to pre-soak or even wash it beforehand. Simply toast 1 cup of organic millet seeds in a saucepan for 5 minutes, add 2 cups of water and ¼ teaspoon salt, bring to a boil, and simmer for 15 minutes. Serve warm and enjoy!
Why Choose Organic Millet?
Our Organic Millet is 100% toxin and GMO-free. This bulk pack will allow you to try different sweet and savory millet dishes. Whether you’re a vegan, bodybuilder, athlete, or just someone who wants to maintain a healthy diet, Organic Millet is an excellent choice.
Storage and Usage Tips
Buy Millet in bulk and store it in an airtight container in a cool and dry place. Use 1 part dried millet to 2 parts water for a fluffy, light millet. You can use organic millet seed as a substitute for any grain, add it to soups, or even make sweet millet cereal in the morning.