Organic Raw Sprouted Almonds (Unpasteurized), Size: 8Oz Large Size


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PRICE: US$ 21.10


Almonds are considered to be the nut packed with the most nutrients and beneficial attributes. They are a rich source of Vitamin E, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and iron, and contains moderates amounts of selenium, zinc, potassium, copper, and niacin.

Almonds contain many nutrients that can help promote brain health, brain development, and a higher intellectual level – and are considered an essential food for growing children. Two specific nutrients in particular, L-carnitine and riboflavin, have been shown to increase brain activity and promote new neural pathways (which can help prevent the onset of Alzheimer’s disease).

Almonds are great for your heart as well. They help reduce the effects of C-reactive protein, which causes artery-damaging inflammation. The Vitamin E and flavonoids in almonds together help to prevent heart diseases and form a powerful shield and defense against artery wall damage, and folic acid helps reduce homocycteine which causes plaque buildup in arteries. The monosaturated fats and potassium in almonds are key nutritional elements in promoting heart health and healthy blood pressure levels, and magnesium helps prevent heart attacks. The linoleic and linolenic fatty acids in almonds also help reduce inflammation, and also helps balance cholesterol levels by reducing “bad” LDL and total cholesterol while boosting “good” HDL cholesterol.

Almonds are very effective at boosting the immune system. They are a great source of alkali elements, which helps increase immunity and reduce/protect against oxidative stress on the body. Almond’s high amounts of Vitamin E also fights oxidation, which in turn helps to prevent chronic disease like cancer.

The dietary fiber in almonds (along with the healthy fats) help satisfy hunger cravings, which in turn helps with weight loss and management. It can also help reduce/prevent constipation and the regular elimination of toxins from the body.


It’s a 3 to 4 day process, but it’s a labor of love! We soak our nuts and seeds in triple-filtered water to activate live enzymes (making them easier to digest) and then dehydrate them at very low temperatures to protect the integrity of their vital nutrients. The result? A light, airy, crunchy texture…perfection in flavor and nutrition.

♥ Raw ♥ Organic ♥ Gluten-Free ♥ Dairy-Free ♥ Vegan ♥ Paleo ♥

INGREDIENTS: Organic raw sprouted Valencia almonds (unpasteurized)


Country of Origin: Spain

Our products contain no sulfties, added sugars, preservatives, artificial flavors, or artificial colors