Wheat Berries, Hard Red, Winter Wheat 50 Lb

SKU: CLN-075088

In Stock

PRICE: US$ 87.98

Hard red winter wheat berries are among the most popular grains for artisan-style bread and other baked goods.

This type of wheat is named "hard" because of its tough outer shell, which protects the inner kernel from damage and pests. The term "red" refers to the color of the wheat berries, which can range from light brown to deep red.

Hard Red Wheat Berries are packed with nutritional goodness:

Hard red winter wheat berries have a slightly lower protein content than spring wheat berries, making them highly suitable for mixing with other flours. The lower protein content offers a crispier crust and improved yeast fermentation and flavor. This winter wheat by Wheat Montana is also preferred by many for growing wheatgrass.

They have a nutty flavor and chewy texture, making them an excellent addition to salads, soups, and other dishes. Some people even use them as a substitute for rice or quinoa.

Hard red winter wheat berries

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