Organic Cracked Rye Berries


Indulge in the wholesome goodness of Organic Cracked Rye Berries, a treasure trove of nutrients and flavor. These whole grains of rye, carefully cracked and sifted, retain all the power of whole grains while cooking quickly and easily. As a certified Organic, Non-GMO, Kosher, Raw, and Vegan-friendly product, you can trust that you're getting only the best for your body and the environment. With every serving, you'll reap the benefits of a high-protein, high-fiber diet, supported by a rich array of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

As a supreme source of dietary fiber and protein, Organic Cracked Rye Berries are essential for a healthy digestive system. Rich in Iron, Potassium, B-group vitamins, and antioxidants called Polyphenols, these berries will keep your body thriving. Moreover, they contain Vitamin E, Selenium, Calcium, Phosphorous, and Magnesium, making them an excellent addition to a balanced diet. With a low glycemic index, Organic Cracked Rye Berries can even help lower cholesterol levels, providing an added layer of protection for your heart.

The versatility of Organic Cracked Rye Berries knows no bounds. Enjoy them as a hot, comforting porridge or a flavorful pilaf dish. Replace oatmeal with a nutritious and delicious breakfast bowl, topped with nuts and berries. Add cooked rye to your salads, stews, soups, and grain bowls for an extra boost of nutrition and texture. You can even incorporate them into your baked goods, such as pastries, bread, muffins, and cookies, for a unique and satisfying flavor.

To prepare these Cracked Rye Berries, simply bring 1 cup of the product and 3 cups of water to a boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 30-35 minutes. Season with a pinch of salt, and stir occasionally, adding more water as needed. Once cooked, you can enjoy them on their own or incorporate them into your favorite recipes.

For optimal storage, keep Organic Rye Groats in an airtight container in a cool, dry place. For extended storage, store Rye Berries bulk in the freezer for up to 2 years. This way, you can enjoy the health benefits and culinary delights of Organic Cracked Rye Berries all year round.

With Organic Cracked Rye Berries, you'll experience the perfect blend of nutritional value, versatility, and culinary creativity. Savor the rich, nutty flavor and satisfying crunch of these whole grain berries, knowing you're nourishing your body and supporting sustainable, eco-friendly farming practices. Whether you're a health-conscious individual or a passionate home cook, these Organic Cracked Rye Berries are the perfect addition to your pantry.