158 Serving Freeze Dried Chicken, Beef And Entree Combo Bucket


In Stock

PRICE: US$ 707.43

We have simplified emergency food storage by combining freeze dried chicken and beef into a single bucket packed with great tasting Legacy Food Storage entrees. These huge, 13-gallon buckets are loaded with all of your favorite lunches and dinners, as well as an assortment of freeze dried meats to add in to make each meal heartier and even more delicious. Add a 158 Serving Freeze Dried Chicken, Beef, and Entree Bucket to your emergency supplies today!

Package Information
Total Servings: 158 Total Weight: 30 lbs Total Calories: 50,550 Serving Size: 1.5 Cups Freeze Dried Chicken, Beef and Entree Combo Bucket

Legacy Premium Food Storage is known for providing the best tasting meals and best value in emergency food storage! The latest combination bucket includes a selection of fan favorite entrees as well as our premium Freeze Dried Chicken and Beef, all designed for long term storage. Each 13 gallon bucket is BPA-free, heavy duty plastic that stacks perfectly on top of our other large buckets. Meals are stored in 4-serving mylar pouches flushed with nitrogen and sealed with an oxygen absorber to preserve freshness and taste for years to come. The 158 Serving Freeze Dried Chicken, Beef, and Entree Combo Bucket is sure to be a popular item because is simplifies your meals and gives you hearty, delicious, meat-filled lunches and dinners in the simplest way possible. Get a bucket or two today and add this incredible value to your long term emergency supplies!

158 Serving Chicken, Beef and Entree Combo Bucket
Servings 158
Avg. Calories Per Serving 319.94
Total Calories 50,550
2,000 Calorie Days 25.28
Cost Per LB
Cost Per 2000 Calories
Residual O2 Content 0.11%
Configuration Pouches in Buckets
Large Buckets 1
Medium Buckets -
Small Buckets -
Loose pouches -
Total Pouches 32
Package Weight 30 Pounds (lb)
Total Dimensions 2.05 Cubic Feet
Shipping Configuration Boxes

Check out a really interesting article from our friends at Ammo.com,

Product Contents Non-GMO, High in Fiber , Low Fat , Low Sodium , Nitrogen Flushed Pouches , No HFCS , No MSG Added, Uses Sea Salt , Oxygen Absorbers , Vegetarian Friendly