Premium 2880 Serving Package - 739 Lbs


In Stock

PRICE: US$ 10,084.91

Buying food storage in bulk is a quick way to ensure that your family will be protected in an emergency. This is especially true if the bulk emergency supply you purchase is one that you can rely on to be delicious, hearty, nutritious, and shelf stable for decades. When you buy the 2880-serving supply of food storage from Legacy Premium, you get more than a year's supply of meals that boast all these qualities and more.

Package Information
Total Servings: 2,880 Total Weight: 739 lbs Total Calories: 1,151,040 Serving Size: 1.5 cups Feed your family off your food storage supply for an entire year with this bulk emergency package.

Legacy's family year supply of bulk emergency meals includes so much freeze-dried food that you are sure to be well-stocked to meet any situation. Let us do the math for you: 2880 servings provides 4 adults 3 meals a day for 8 months, 2 adults 3 meals a day for 16 months, or 1 adult 3 meals a day for more than 2 years. It's a comprehensive emergency supply that is designed to keep you ready.

Whether you use your year's supply of bulk food storage to feed your family during a natural disaster situation, through a period of unemployment, on outdoor adventures, or on hectic weeknights, Legacy's meals stand above the competition because of their great taste, high-quality ingredients, and a long term storage shelf life.

Not only is this supply of bulk family food storage tasty and reliable, it is also hearty. When you buy food storage, you have to watch out for what food storage companies are considering a serving. You might be surprised to find that some call 200 calories a serving. Legacy Premium's meals have an average of 399.67 calories per serving, ensuring that your meals will be sustaining and filling in an emergency.

Purchase the family year supply today and feel for yourself what it's like to be prepared for anything.

Premium 2880 Serving Package
Servings 2,880
Avg. Calories Per Serving 399.67
Total Calories 1,151,040
2,000 Calorie Days 575.52
Cost Per LB
Cost Per 2000 Calories
Residual O2 Content 0.11%
Configuration Pouches in Buckets
Large Buckets 24
Medium Buckets -
Small Buckets -
Loose pouches -
Total Pouches 720
Package Weight 739 Pounds (lb)
Total Dimensions 38.13 Cubic Feet
Shipping Configuration Pallet
Product Contents The 2880 Serving Package from Legacy Premium includes 4 different breakfasts (960 servings total) and 12 different entrees (1,920 servings total). For nutritional information on each meal, please scroll down to the "Nutritional Information" section below. Compare this package
Package Name Premium 2880
Serving Package
2880 Serving
1896 Entree
Meal Plan
8640 Serving
Cost with Shipping ,595.00 ,419.99 ,600.00
Calories 1,151,040 748,000 493,720 1,140,480
Average Calories per Serving 399.67
173 218 183
Cost per 2000 Calories
Cost per LB
Package Weight (lb) 739 lb 720 lb 524 lb 672 lb
Meal Selection 12 Entrees
4 Breakfasts
13 Entrees
4 Breakfasts
10 Entrees
6 Breakfasts
8 Entrees
4 Breakfasts
Non-GMO, High in Fiber , Low Fat , Low Sodium , Nitrogen Flushed Pouches , No HFCS , No MSG Added, Uses Sea Salt , Oxygen Absorbers , Vegetarian Friendly ξ